DGM Becomes a TARDIS – with your help

Written by  //  April 30, 2016  //  In the Museum  //  No comments


This month, DGM is taking its direction from Dr. Who’s TARDIS. The TARDIS is said to be “dimensionally transcendental,” so it’s bigger on the inside than the outside. That’s what we need because the spiraling rents in Silicon Valley, coupled with the demolition of inexpensive rentals for development, have made it impossible to find an affordable location that is larger than the present one. And, as you can see above, there’s no more room on the shelves. So we are expanding the space inside our existing facility to provide better storage and to create a gaming room that will have playable vintage consoles and hold enough people for tournaments and events – we already have an Indie roll-out party planned for August!

But it cost over $1000 to make the collection shelves movable and more space efficient. The timing comes as we gear up for Silicon Valley Gives on May 3. Last year our generous donors helped us with our archival storage costs, and this year we hope you will help convert our messy back storage room into a great space where gamers can meet and play. We are looking forward to entertaining our donors (that’s you!) in this new space as soon as it is ready!

Please visit our SVGives website and help us turn DGM into a TARDIS with more space on the inside than the outside!

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